Nepal's Population Detail Report (National Census 2078/079)

 Nepal Census Report 2078/079 

National Population and Housing Census National Report

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 Report in English 

 Report in Nepali 

National, Provincial, District and Local Levels

Table of Contents
Part I: Key Results..............................................................................................................................................1
Part II: An introduc on to the Na onal Popula on and Housing Census 2021....................................................6
1. Introduc on................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Organiza onal structure of NPHC 2021......................................................................................................... 7
3. Census ques onnaire and other tools........................................................................................................... 8
4. Basic concepts and reference date................................................................................................................ 9
5. Human resource for the field work management ....................................................................................... 10
6. Logis cs management................................................................................................................................. 10
7. Communica on and publicity...................................................................................................................... 11
8. Field opera on ............................................................................................................................................ 11
9. Data Processing ........................................................................................................................................... 12
10. Quality management................................................................................................................................... 12
11. Census results and related products ........................................................................................................... 13
12. Coopera on of interna onal development partners .................................................................................. 14
13. Challenges faced during the census opera on............................................................................................ 15
Part III: Major Sta s cal Tables.................................................................................................................18-591
Table 01 : Number of households by type of ownership of housing unit, NPHC 2021.................................. 18
Table 02 : Number of households by type of founda on of housing unit, NPHC 2021................................. 21
Table 03 : Number of households by type of materials used for outer walls of housing unit,
NPHC 2021 .................................................................................................................................... 24
Table 04 : Number of households by type of roof of housing unit, NPHC 2021............................................ 27
Table 05 : Number of households by type of floor of housing unit, NPHC 2021........................................... 30
Table 06 : Number of households by main source of drinking water, NPHC 2021........................................ 33
Table 07 : Number of households by type of fuel usually used for cooking, NPHC 2021.............................. 37
Table 08 : Number of households by usual source of ligh ng, NPHC 2021................................................... 40
Table 09 : Number of households by type of toilet facility, NPHC 2021........................................................ 43
Table 10 : Number of households by household ameni es/assets used, NPHC 2021 .................................. 46
Table 11 : Number of households by female ownership of fixed assets, NPHC 2021 ................................... 49
Table 12 : Number of households with small scale enterprise other than agriculture, NPHC 2021 ............. 52
Table 13 : Number of households with at least one death and number of deaths
(in the 12 months preceding the census) by sex, NPHC 2021....................................................... 55
Table 14 : Number of households and usually residing popula on, households with
absentees and absent popula on living within the country, households with
absentees abroad and absent popula on living abroad, by sex, NPHC 2021 ............................... 58
Table 15 : Number of households, popula on by sex, average household size, sex
ra o, popula on density and annual popula on growth rate, NPHC 2021.................................. 62
Table 16 : Number of households by household size, NPHC 2021................................................................ 66
Table 17 : Popula on by single year of age and sex, NPHC2021 ................................................................... 70
Table 18 : Popula on by five year age groups and sex, NPHC 2021.............................................................. 84
Table 19 : Number of household heads by age of the household head, NPHC2021................................... 136
Table 20 : Popula on by country/region of ci zenship, NPHC 2021........................................................... 147
Table 21 : Popula on aged 10 years and above by marital status, NPHC 2021........................................... 157
Table 22 : Married popula on aged 10 years and above by age at first marriage, NPHC 2021 .................. 167
Table 23 : Popula on by disability, NPHC 2021 ........................................................................................... 184
Table 24 : Popula on aged 5 years and above by literacy status, NPHC 2021 ............................................ 199
Table 25 : Popula on aged 5 years and above by educa onal a ainment
(level completed), NPHC 2021 .................................................................................................... 209
Table 26 : Popula on aged 5 to 25 years who have completed educa onal level
below S.L.C./S.E.E. or never a ended any school by current status of school
a endance and level of educa on completed, NPHC 2021........................................................ 227
Table 27 : Popula on aged 15 years and above with 10+2 or equivalent and higher
level of educa on by major field of study, NPHC 2021............................................................... 247
Table 28 : Popula on by place of birth, NPHC 2021.................................................................................... 265
Table 29 : Foreign born popula on by country/region of birth, NPHC 2021............................................... 276
Table 30 : Popula on residing in enumerated area by former place of residence
preceding the census, NPHC 2021 .............................................................................................. 297
Table 31 : Currently migrated popula on by length of stay in the current place, NPHC 2021.................... 302
Table 32 : Currently migrated popula on by reason for migra on, NPHC 2021 ......................................... 317
Table 33 : Popula on currently migrated from a foreign country by country/
region of origin, NPHC 2021........................................................................................................ 332
Table 34 : Ever married female popula on 15-49 years of age by number of children
ever born alive and age group of mother, NPHC 2021................................................................ 347
Table 35 : Number of children ever born alive, children s ll alive and children that
have died, by sex of the children and age group of mother, NPHC 2021.................................... 392
Table 36 : Ever married female popula on 15-49 years of age by age group of mother,
number of children born alive in the last 12 months and sex of children, NPHC 2021............... 434
Table 37 : Popula on 10 years of age and above by number of months worked in the
last 12 months preceding the census, NPHC 2021...................................................................... 473
Table 38 : Popula on 10 years of age and above who performed any economic ac vity
in the last 12 months preceding the census by major occupa on, NPHC 2021.......................... 485
Table 39 : Popula on 10 years of age and above who performed any economic ac vity
in the last 12 months preceding the census by major industry, NPHC 2021............................... 504
Table 40 : Economically ac ve and not ac ve popula on 10 years of age and above, NPHC 2021............ 528
Table 41 : Popula on aged 10 years and above who performed any economic ac vity
in the last 12 months preceding the census by employment status, NPHC 2021....................... 532
Table 42 : Popula on 10 years of age and above who performed any economic ac vity
in the last 12 months preceding the census by ins tu onal sector of major
economic ac vity, NPHC 2021 .................................................................................................... 544
Table 43 : Popula on aged 10 years and above who did not do any economic work in
the last 12 months preceding the census by main reasons, NPHC 2021 .................................... 556
Table 44 : Number of children under 18 years of age by status of living arrangement, NPHC 2021........... 572
Table 45 : Number of children aged 5 years and below by birth registra on status, NPHC 2021............... 586
Table 46 : Number of building structures by type of main use, NPHC 2021 ............................................... 589
Annex I : Steering Commi ee Composi on and members........................................................................ 592
Annex II : Technical Commi ee Composi on and members ...................................................................... 594
Key Results
1. Popula on: The total popula on of Nepal, as of the census day (25 November 2021) is 29,164,578, of which
the number of males is 14,253,551 (48.87 %) and the number of females is 14,911,027 (51.13 %). Accordingly,
the sex ra o is 95.59 males per 100 females. The total popula on was 26,494,504 with sex ra o of 94.16
males per 100 females in 2011.
2. Popula on of other gender: In the 2021 census, informa on about the total number of male, female and
‘other gender’ (sexual and gender minori es) usually living in the households was collected through the
house and household lis ng form in the first phase of census fieldwork. Accordingly, there are a total of
2,928 individuals (0.01 percent of the total popula on) reported as ‘other gender’. However, in the main
ques onnaire, the detail characteris cs of the individuals from this community have been enumerated under
male or female category based on their biological sex. By province, among those who reported as ‘other
gender’, the highest number (32.7 %) are in Bagma province whilst the lowest number (2.8 %) are in Karnali
province. The percentage of popula on of this community in Madhesh, Lumbini, Koshi, Gandaki and Sudur
Pashchim provinces are 24.9, 14.8, 10.4, 7.8 and 6.8 respec vely out of the total 'other gender' popula on.
3. Annual average popula on growth rate: Annual average popula on growth rate is 0.92 percent in 2021.
This rate was 1.35 percent in 2011. By district, the annual average popula on growth rate is the highest in
Bhaktapur (3.35%) and the lowest in Ramechhap (-1.67%).
4. Popula on density: The popula on density (number of people per square kilometer of area) is 198 in 2021,
which was 180 in 2011. By ecological belt, the highest popula on density is 460 in the Tarai region and the
lowest is 34 in the Mountain region. The highest popula on density is in Kathmandu district (5,169) and the
lowest in Manang district (3).
5. Popula on by broad age group: The census 2021 shows that 61.96 percent of Nepal’s total popula on is
between the ages of 15–59 years. The popula on of this age group was 56.96 percent in 2011. Currently, the
popula on aged 14 years or below and 60 years or above are 27.83 percent and 10.21 percent, respec vely.
6. Number of households: The total number of households has increased from 5,427,302 in 2011 to 6,666,937
in 2021, an increase by 23 percent. The total number of conven onal (non-ins tu onal) households in 2021
is 6,660,841 which was 5,423,297 in 2011
7. Average household size: The census 2021 shows that average household size is 4.37 persons per household
whereas it was 4.88 in 2011. By ecological belt, average household size is 4.33 persons per household in the
Mountain region, 3.99 in the Hill and 4.73 in the Tarai region. The average household size is the highest (5.94)
in Rautahat district and the lowest (3.49) in Gorkha and Dolakha districts.
8. Urban/Rural municipality popula on: In the 2021 census, the popula on in urban municipali es has reached
66.17 percent, while the popula on in rural municipali es has reached 33.83 percent. A er realloca ng the
popula on of 2011 census according to the federal structure, the popula on in urban and rural municipali es
were 63.19 percent and 36.81 percent respec vely. The sex ra o of popula on in urban municipali es in 2011
was 95.89, but it has remained at 96.06 in 2021, while in rural municipali es, it has increased from 91.27 to
9. Districts with highest and lowest popula on: Kathmandu district has the highest popula on (2,041,587
persons) and Manang district has the lowest popula on (5,658 persons) among the 77 districts of the country.
Morang, Rupandehi, Jhapa and Sunsari districts are the second, third, fourth and fi h most populous districts
respec vely. Mustang, Dolpa, Rasuwa and Humla are the second, third, fourth and fi h districts in terms of
lowest popula on respec vely.
10. Popula on by ecological belt: As per the 2021 census, 53.61 percent (15,634,006 persons) of the total
popula on live in the Tarai region, 40.31 percent (11,757,624 persons) in the Hill and 6.08 percent (1,772,948
persons) in the Mountain region. The popula on was 50.27 percent (13,318,705 persons) in the Tarai region,
43.01 percent (11,394,007 persons) in the Hill and 6.73 percent (1,781,792 persons) in the Mountain region
in the 2011 Census.
11. Popula on by province: The distribu on of popula on by province in 2021 shows that the share of popula on
is the highest in Bagma province (20.97 %) and the lowest in Karnali province (5.79 %). Likewise, Madhesh
province has the second largest popula on. Similarly, Koshi, Lumbini, Sudurpaschim and Gandaki Province
are the third, fourth, fi h and sixth respec vely in terms of popula on size in 2021.
12. Number of building structures by main use: All the building structures of the country have been enumerated
for the first me in the census 2021. The building structures have been classified into 12 diļ¬€erent types
according to their main use. The main use is that for which the most part of the structure is used. There are
75,52,066 building structures in total in the country, out of which, 71.7 percent have been mainly used for
residence, 10.1 percent for shed or storage, 6.3 percent vacant, 3.1 percent for business/trade, 1.1 percent
for educa onal purpose, 0.4 percent for industry/manufacturing establishment, 0.4 percent for ins tu onal
use, 0.4 percent for government, 0.3 percent for hotel and lodge, 0.2 percent for health related purpose, 0.1
percent for banking and financial ins tu ons and 5.9 percent for other (such as Kitchen) purpose. As regards
to the provincial results, 75 percent of the buildings in Lumbini province and 68 percent of the buildings in
Sudur Pashchim province have been used mainly for residen al purpose.
13. Ownership of housing unit: Out of the total 6,660,841 conven onal households, 86.0 percent reside in
their own housing units while 12.8 percent reside in rented housing units in 2021. In the 2011 census, the
propor ons of the households residing in their own housing units and rented housing units were 85.3 percent
and 12.8 percent respec vely. According to the 2021 census, 0.6 percent of households live in ins tu onal
housing units and 0.7 percent of households live in other type of housing units.
14. Main source of drinking water: The 2021 census shows that tap/piped water (inside and outside household
premises combined) is the main source of drinking water for 57.0 percent of the total households (6,660,841).
Othermainsourcesofdrinkingwaterforhouseholdsarewell/handpump29.8%,jar/bo ledwater4.6%,spout
3.9%, uncovered well/kuwa 2.1%, covered well/kuwa 1.5% and river/stream 0.4% of the total households.
The 2011 census had shown that tap/piped water was the main source of drinking water for 47.8 percent
of the total households (5,423,297) while tube well/hand pump was the main source of drinking for 35.1
percent of the total households.
15. Main source of fuel for cooking: The 2021 census shows that more than half (51 %) of the total households
in the country usually use wood/firewood as the main source of fuel for cooking. Other main sources of fuel
for cooking are liquefied petroleum gas-LPG 44.3%, cow-dung 2.9%, biogas 1.2%, electricity 0.5%, kerosene
0.05% and other 0.1% of the total households. The 2011 census had shown that 64.0 percent of the total
households usually used wood/firewood for cooking.
16. Main source of ligh ng: The census 2021 shows that the majority of the households use electricity as the
main source of ligh ng. The percentage of the households that use electricity as the main source of ligh ng
has increased to 92.2 percent in 2021 from 67.3 percent in 2011. Other main sources usually used for ligh ng
are solar energy 6.6%, kerosene 0.6% and other sources 0.6% of the households in 2021. The percentages
of households that use kerosene, solar, and other sources for ligh ng were 18.3, 7.4 and 6.1 respec vely in
17. Household assets/ameni es: The 2021 census results show that 3.88 percent of the total households do
not have any of the household assets/ameni es while 96.12 percent of the households have at least one
household asset/amenity. By type of household assets/ameni es, 73.15 percent of households have ordinary
mobile phones, followed by 72.94 percent of households with smart mobile phones. Similarly, other assets/
ameni es available in the households are electric fan 53.1%, television 49.37%, internet facility 37.72%,
bicycle 35.21%, motorcycle/scooter 27.3%, refrigerator 23.7%, computer/laptop 15%, washing machine 4.2%
and car/jeep/van 3.1% of households.
18. Toilet facility: Out of the total 6,660,841 conven onal households (excluding ins tu onal households)
enumerated in the 2021 census, 95.5 percent of the households use one or the other type of toilet facility,
while 4.5 percent of them do not have access to any toilet facility. The 2011 census had shown that 38.2
percent of the total households did not have access to any toilet facility.
19. Female ownership in house and land: Overall, 23.8 percent of the total households have ownership of land
or a housing unit or both (land & housing unit) in the name of female household member. The percentage of
the households with female ownership of both land and housing unit is 11.8 percent, which is an increase of
1.1 percent point compared to that in 2011.
20. Number of households opera ng small scale enterprises other than agriculture: The census results show
that there are 6,27,887 (9.4 %) households opera ng small scale enterprise other than agriculture with no
paid employee. Among such households, 137,644 (21.9 %) operate co age industry, 310,651 (49.5 %) operate
trade/business, 34,656 (5.5 %) operate transporta on, 69,177 (11 %) operate service related and 75,559
(12 %) operate other types of such small-scale enterprise in the country, of which 55 percent are mainly
operated by male and 45 percent by female. Province wise, the highest and lowest number of households
opera ng such enterprise are respec vely in Bagma 153,522 (24.5 %) and Karnali 32,463 (5.2 %) households
respec vely.
21. Absentees popula on abroad: The 2021 census shows that a total of 2,190,592 persons from 1,555,961
households (23.4%) are absent and living abroad. Out of the total absentees living abroad, 1,799,675 (82.2
%) are male and 390,917 (17.8 %) are female. In 2011, 1,921,494 persons from 1,378,678 (25.4%) households
were absent abroad of which males were 87.6% and females were 12.4%.
22. Female household head: Overall, 31.55 percent of the total households (6,666,937) are headed by female,
which is an increase of 5.82 percent points since 2011.
23. Marital status: The 2021 census shows that 33.1 percent of the total popula on aged 10 years or above are
never married. By sex, 38.2 percent of the total males and 28.4 percent of the total females aged 10 years
or above are unmarried. Similarly, 61.8 percent of the total popula on aged 10 years and above are married
and 4.5 percent are window/widower. By sex, 59.1 percent of the total males and 64.3 percent of the total
females of this age group are married.
24. Age at first marriage: The 2021 census shows that 34.4 percent (Male: 32.6% and Female: 35.9 %) of the ever-
married popula on aged 10 years and above had their first marriage between the ages of 18 and 20. Similarly,
22.3 percent (Male: 12.3 %; Female: 30.4 %) of them got married for the first me in the ages between 15
to 17 years. Further, 7 percent (Male: 3.0 % and Female: 10.2 %) of them got married for the first me at the
ages of 10-14 years. Some of them (0.3 %) got married for the first me under the age of ten years. Overall,
the median age at first marriage is 19 years. By sex, the mean age at first marriage is 21 years for male and 18
years for female.
25. Disability: The 2021 census shows that 2.2 percent of the total popula on have one or the other type of
disability. Among the total persons with disability, 54.2 percent are males and 45.8 percent are females. The
2011 Census had shown that 1.94 percent of the total popula on had one or more types of disabili es.
26. Literacy rate: The literacy rate of the country's total popula on aged 5 years and above is 76.2 percent in 2021
census. Male literacy rate is 83.6 percent while female literacy rate is 69.4 percent. In the 2011 census, overall
literacy rate was 65.9 percent; while male literacy rate was 75.1 percent compared to female literacy rate of
57.4 percent.
27. Educa on level completed: The largest propor on (28.7 %) of the total literate popula on have completed
primary level (class 1 to 5) of educa on. Similarly, 19.9 percent of the total literate popula on have completed
lower secondary level (class 6 to 8), followed by 9.5 percent who completed S.L.C (or equivalent). Likewise,
19.5 percent have completed higher levels (above S.L.C or equivalent) of educa on.
28. Popula on by place of birth: Out of the total popula on, 69 percent have their place of birth and current
residence in the same municipality. By sex, 78.3 percent male and 60 percent female have their birth place
in the current residence. Overall, 9 percent of the total popula on was born in another municipality of the
district of current residence, 19.5 percent of the popula on was born in another district and 2.5 percent was
born abroad.
29. Popula on by former place of residence for current migra on: Overall, 68 percent of the popula on have
their usual place of former residence in the same place as they were enumerated. This is 77.0 percent for
male and 59.4 percent for female. On the other hand, 10.7 percent of the total popula on had their former
usual place of residence in another municipality of the respec ve district, 18.2 percent of the popula on had
their former residence in another district and 3.1 percent had their former residence abroad.
30. Popula on at the current place of residence by dura on of last migra on: Out of the total 9,341,408 people
who currently migrated, for the highest percentage of the migrants (31.8 %), the dura on of stay in the
current place of residence is 10-24 years, while for the lowest percentage of the migrants (3.5%) the dura on
of stay in the current place of residence is less than 1 year. Similarly, for 4.0 percent of the total migrants, the
dura on of migra on is over 50 years. Likewise, in terms of dura on of last migra on by sex, for 29.1 percent
of males and 33.3 percent of females the dura on of last migra on is 10-24 years.
31. Reasons for current migra on: Marriage is the main reason for current migra on, which is 38.2 percent.
Other reasons for current migra on are work/job (15.2 %), trade/business (2.8 %), study/training (7.8 %),
dependent family member (19.5 %), natural disaster (0.7 %), agriculture (3.9 %), returnee (4.1 %) and other
(6.6 %). By sex, 30.6 percent of male who migrated are due to work/job and 58.2 percent of female are due
to marriage.
32. Fer lity status (children Ever Born): The 2021 census shows that 12.0 percent of the total ever married
women aged 15-49 (6,145,039) do not have any children ever born to them. The percentage of the ever-
married women aged 15-49 with 2 children ever born to them is the highest at 33 percent. Similarly, 23.1
percent of the total ever married women aged 15-49 have 1 child ever born to them, while 0.1 percent of the
women have 9 or more children ever born to them. Overall, a total of 6,145,039 ever married women aged
15-49 have given birth to 12,799,969 children as of the census date. Out of the total children ever born, 52.7
percent are males while 47.3 percent are females.
The data shows that 3.2 percent of the children ever born alive have died. Among the children who died, 57.6
percent are males and 42.4 percent are females.
33. Current fer lity: A total of 412,935 children were born in the last 12 months preceding the census, of which
218,074 (52.8 %) were males while 194,861 (47.2 %) were females. Among the total children born in the last
12 months preceding the census, 36.8 percent of the children were born to women aged 20-24 years.
34. Maternal mortality: The Na onal Popula on Census 2021 shows that out of the total 12,976 female deaths
from fer lity age group (15-49 years) in the last 12 months preceding the day of enumera on, 653 (5 percent)
deaths were related to pregnancy. Out of the pregnancy related deaths, 622 (95 percent) deaths were found
to be maternal mortality by Verbal Autopsy conducted in collabora on with the Ministry of Health and
Popula on. In the same reference period, a total of 412,935 live babies were born from the same age group
of mothers. According to this, the maternal mortality ra o is 151 (a total of 151 deaths of mothers per 100
thousand live births).
35. Status of living arrangement of children: Among the total 9,869,583 children (popula on aged below 18
years), 77.9 percent of them live with both parents (father and mother), 17.1 percent live with their mother
only, 1 percent live with their father only, and 3 percent live with other rela ves.
36. Dura on of economic ac vi es performed: Out of 23,958,868 aged 10 years or above usually residing
popula on in the country, 14,983,310 were engaged in any kind of economic ac vi es in the last 12 months
preceding the census. The census results show that 41 percent of the popula on aged 10 years or above
worked for 6 months or above, 21.5 percent worked for less than 6 months and 37.5 percent did not do any
kind of economic work during the reference period.
37. Economically ac ve popula on: Economically ac ve popula on are those persons aged 10 years or above,
who either performed any economic work for any length of me irrespec ve of whether they searched for
work or not, or searched for work (part me or full me) if they had not performed any economic work in the
last 12 months preceding the census. While the persons who neither performed any kind of economic work
nor searched for any work in the reference period are classified as economically not ac ve popula on. Of
the total 23,958,868 popula on aged 10 years or above, 15,689,777 persons (65.5 percent) are classified as
economically ac ve and 8,211,012 persons (34.3 percent) not economically ac ve based on the above criteria
while 58,079 persons did not report their status.
38. Usually economically ac ve popula on: If the total number of months actually worked and searched for
work by a person is greater than or equal to 6 months, then the person falls under usually economically ac ve
popula on. In contrary, a person having this total less than 6 months falls under not usually economically
ac ve popula on. In line with this classifica on, out of the total 15,689,777 economically ac ve popula on,
11,038,105 persons (70.35 percent) are usually economically ac ve and 4,651,672 persons (29.65 percent)
are not usually economically ac ve.
39. Usually employed popula on: Among the total usually economically ac ve popula on, the usually employed
popula on refers to those persons whose dura on of working is equal to or more than the dura on of
not working while the usually unemployed popula on refers to those persons whose dura on of working
is less than the dura on of not working. The census 2021 shows that among the total 11,038,105 usually
economically ac ve popula on, 10,270,447 persons (93.05 percent) are usually employed and 767,658 (6.95
percent) are usually unemployed.
40. Economically ac ve popula on by main occupa on: Among 14,983,310 persons engaged in any economic
ac vity during the reference period, highest share of people (50.1%) are agriculture, forestry andfishery skilled
workers, second largest share is elementary workers (23.0%) followed by service and sales workers (5.8%),
cra s and trade workers (5.6%), managers (5.1%), professionals (3.8%), plant and machine operators (2.7%),
technician and associate professionals (1.9%), oļ¬ƒce assistants (1.3 %) and armed force (0.7%) respec vely.
The classifica on of the occupa on is based on Nepal Standard Classifica on of Occupa on (NSOC).
41. Economically ac ve popula on by main industry: Industrial division of economic ac vi es have been coded
according to Nepal Standard Industrial Classifica on of all economic ac vi es (NSIC). Among 14,983,310
persons engaged in any economic ac vity in the last 12 months preceding the census, top five industries are
agriculture, forestry and fishing (57.3%); wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
(12.5%); construc on (8.1%); other service ac vi es (3.9%) and manufacturing (3.8%) respec vely.
42. Employment status of economically ac ve popula on: Among 14,983,310 persons aged 10 years and above
who performed any economic work in the last 12 months preceding the census, the highest number of people
worked as own account worker (55.3 %), followed by employee (28.6 %) and contribu ng family member
(14.5 %) and employer (1.4 %). Similarly, 0.1% people have not stated their employment status.
43. Economically ac ve popula on by ins tu onal sector: The household sector is the largest ins tu onal
sector with 61.8 percent of total 14,983,310 persons who worked in the last 12 months preceding the census.
This is followed by non-financial corpora on, government, financial corpora on and non-profit ins tu on
serving households are in the row with 32.7 %, 3.9%, 1.1%, 0.4% respec vely. While 0.1 % have not stated
their ins tu onal sector.
44. Reasons for not being economically ac ve: Among the popula on aged 10 years and above who were
economically not ac ve (i.e., who did not perform any economic work), 46.9 percent reported being ‘student’
as the main reason for not working. Similarly, further reasons include: household chores (21.9 %), aged (11.0
%), family care (7.5 %), disability/illness (2.5 %), pensions (2.2%), social work/volunteer service (0.3 %) and
other reason (7.4 %).
45. Birth registra on status of children of age 5 years and below: Of total 30,07,648 children of age five years
and below, 74 % are found to have registered their birth and 26 % are s ll unregistered. Among the registered
children, male children are 5.8 percentage points more than female. Similarly, the registra on status is 81.9
% in Mountain, 73.1 % in Hill and 73.7 % in Tarai region. By province, the highest percentage of children are
registered in Karnali province (87.3%) while the lowest is in Bagma province (67%).

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