Interesting context of Albert Einstein's life

Even the post of President is rejected, simplicity and zero importance

Who is Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous people in the world in the twentieth century. Moreover, when it comes to science or the name of the greatest scientist, his name comes first. He is known by many as the exponent of the theory of relativity, but his contributions have been made not only in physics but also in many other fields.

If anyone other than Albert Einstein is famous in the field of science, it could be Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon and Newton. That is why Albert Einstein is considered the greatest scientist of the twentieth century. We know very little about his personal, social and ideological life. The world's greatest materialist, he is a critic of capitalist anomalies. He has explained that socialism is the best society. He is also known as an advocate of world peace and disarmament. At the same time, his personal life has moved forward with many ups and downs. Even though he was saddened by his whimsy and forgetfulness, the events are still very interesting. Marxists like to have Francis Bacon and Albert Einstein on their list of socialist leaders.

Einstein, who invented refrigerators, photoelectric cells, lasers, nuclear power, fiber optics, semiconductors, etc., had a very broad and profound philosophical thought. Apart from such scientific inventions, he is also familiar with the field. His ideology is evident not only because of his activism in the disarmament campaign, his opposition to US intervention, and his desire for world peace, but also because of the more than 1,400 pages of indictment files against him by US intelligence agencies. He had a positive attitude towards the Soviet model. He also had the idea that socialism is a better society than capitalism.

We will briefly discuss his contributions and various aspects of his life here.

Birth and childhood

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. He was born four years before the death of Karl Marx. That day also became the day of Karl Marx's death. More importantly, just as Sir Isaac Newton was born the year Galileo Galilei died, so was Albert Einstein the year James Maxwell died. In order to continue the research of the living world, it is considered a unique coincidence that nature has also matched such grandchildren with the date of birth and death.

Einstein was born eighty-five miles west of the famous German city of Munich. Her father's name was Herman Einstein and her mother's name was Pauline Einstein. His Father was a general laborer and businessman. Mother was a housewife. Einstein did not speak until he was three years old. At birth, his head was slightly larger than normal, which later became normal with physical development.

School life

After emigrating to Munich in 1880, Einstein's father and uncle began producing electricity there. He was enrolled by his parents in an elementary Catholic school in Munich. He studied in the school for 3 years. He then received his secondary education at a school now called the Albert Einstein Gymnasium. In 1894, his father's electrical equipment company went bankrupt and his family was forced to relocate to Italy.

Einstein's behavior and temperament at school was different from that of other children. He was less talkative and solitary. He was born into a Jewish family. Because he was Jewish, had a big head, and was different from other children, he was ridiculed, humiliated, and ridiculed by his classmates. He did not immediately answer the questions asked by the teacher. Therefore, the teachers used to abuse him, call him stupid and punish him severely.

Einstein's father wanted to teach him electrical engineering. But he did not like the way the class was taught. He thought that children should be allowed to think freely and read as they wished. In school exams, Einstein passed with good marks. As a result, he gradually became known as the best student in the school. He was more interested in mathematics than any other subject. He also liked geometry in mathematics. He learned Euclid's geometry at the age of 12, Latin at the age of 15, and mathematics of integral calculus at the age of 16.

At the age of 13, he read the philosophy of the philosopher Kant and was very impressed. He wanted to study technical education instead of memorized education. So in 1895 he took the entrance exam to the Swiss Polytechnic (Technical) School in Zurich but failed. Impressed by his physics and mathematical skills, the headmaster (Just Wentzler, who had been close to Einstein's family for a long time) enrolled him in the Argovian Cantonment School. From there he completed his secondary education. In 1896 he began to study mathematics and physics.

Einstein loved music. At the age of six, he learned to play the violin with his mother, Pauline, a musicologist. He liked to think of various new things. He also wanted to spend time with other children reading or thinking. He was always thinking about different subjects and things. As a kid, he used to think about how things worked. From an early age, he was interested in electrical appliances made by his father Herman and uncle Jacob. He was amazed at the electrical materials and the way he worked.

Early inspiration

Once Einstein fell ill. Dad gave him a compass to show him the direction to play. Einstein was surprised to find that the tip of the compass always pointed only to the north. His father reported that the force of the magnet was pulling the needle of the compass to the north. This early event aroused his hunger for science.

Einstein's uncle Jacob was also a good man and a man of science. He answered all the questions Einstein asked. Max Telmey, a college student who lived with his family, also solved Einstein's questions. He liked Einstein's inquisitive nature and his habit of trying to learn new things. So he bought and brought Einstein books from famous scientists like Emmanuel Kant and Charles Darwin. Ptolemy also brought Einstein books on mathematics and physics. He also provided Einstein with the book Euclid, the father of geometry.

In fact, what his father taught him to answer with a small compass was like a proverb for him. So that drew his attention to science. This fascination of science awakened in him remained throughout his life. So it led him to dig into the mysteries of the universe. It also inspired him to know the secret laws of the universe. He wanted to unravel the mystery of the universe. He apparently did not read lightly. He read the book. As a result, he succeeded in discovering the theory of relativity, which proved to be a revolution in the field of science.

After finishing his studies, he wanted to become a professor of physics, but his wish could not be fulfilled due to lack of recommendation from the professor of that subject. He got a job as a patent officer in the patent office. While working there, he submitted his PhD dissertation to the University of Zurich in 1905. The subject of his research paper was the theory of relativity. In it he explained the famous law of power e = mc2. He also received his PhD from the same research paper.

Love and marriage

Einstein's love and marriage are full of ups and downs. While he was studying in a technical college, he fell in love with a girl named Maliva Marik, who was about 3 years older than him. Marik was the only student in the physics class. In 1903, Einstein married his girlfriend Marik. After their marriage, their first son, Ahwart, was born in 1904, and their second son, Edward, in 1906. Einstein was overjoyed at the birth of his sons. They also had a daughter. A black cloud began to fall on his happiness when he had to break up with his wife. Einstein was too busy with his work to be accepted by his wife, and the relationship ended in 1909, when Einstein and Marik divorced. Einstein then married his cousin Elena for the second time. He is said to have had a child before marriage with his first wife. But no one has any information about that. Some talk about the natural death of the child, while others say that nothing is missing. He was weak in the case of women. He revealed in a letter that he had relationships with at least six other women.


Einstein was peaceful. He was against injustice, oppression and war. So in 1914, after the outbreak of World War I, he signed the Manifesto of Europe, demanding the League of Nations, and appealed for the League of Europe. Hitler's Nazi regime, which came to power in Germany in 1933 because he was a just man and a Jew, did not see him. The one who beheaded him was announced to have 20,000 German marks. Einstein, who later became an American citizen, also condemned the cowardly act of the United States, which carried out a nuclear attack on Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945, killing millions of innocent people. Wounded by the horrific genocide of the war, he joined forces with the world government to disarm after World War II and prevent a repeat of the war. He was also criticized by the US government in the name of communism for criticizing US policies of interference and injustice.

Although Jewish by birth, Einstein respected all religions equally. He was learned and humble. So he respected everyone. He was a socialist in terms of political views. He was particularly impressed by Gandhi's ideas and lifestyle.

Simplicity and zero importance

Einstein had a special affection for children. So he used to answer the questions asked by the children himself as much as possible. One day a girl wrote to him saying that it was difficult for him to study mathematics. One part of Einstein's answer to the girl was, "Don't worry, it's hard to read math." What I want to assure you is that my math is weaker than yours. In 1955, the children of a pre-primary school sent Einstein a cuff link and a typewriter to wish him a happy birthday. Einstein also sent a polite reply. He wrote the reply on March 9, 1955, shortly before his death.

Rejection of the post of President

At the time, he did not accept Einstein's offer to become Israel's second president.

Interesting context of life

Einstein's biography is full of interesting topics. He never wore socks. He didn't even polish his shoes. He didn't even mix his clothes and put them on. He didn't even cut his hair. But he played the violin and the piano with gusto. If he had not become a scientist, he would probably have enjoyed music.

Einstein was very forgetful. He did not remember the year, date, place and name. Many times he had forgotten his address and destination. He used to smoke. He refused to drive. The symptom of slow speech in children is called Einstein syndrome. Thus it can be said that his life was interesting.

Living a miserable life

As a child, his studies from school to campus were not pleasant. Her family life could not be happier. He had obtained Swiss citizenship in 1901 before moving. He later became a citizen of the United States. The instability of such a settlement made life difficult.

After Einstein's untimely death, his brain was removed by Princeton pathologist Thomas Harvey. Later, with the permission of his son, he was sent in pieces for interrogation. It was later argued that the University of Canada used a higher percentage of the brain than the average, and that mathematical and spatial abilities were more active. It shows that her parietal lobe is 15 percent larger than average.

‘The theory of relativity is an important theory of modern physics formulated by Albert Einstein, which has two parts. They are special relativity and general relativity. General relativity is mainly the gravity that resides between large bodies. Specific relativity explains the nature of matter's time and space. In short, when an object travels at the speed of light, its mass is infinite, but it cannot travel faster than the speed of light. In short, E = MC2 is the square of the energy equals mass and the speed of light, and mass and energy can be exchanged.

Rendering, fame and contributions

Einstein was thoughtful. From the beginning he was active in the search for the theory of relativity. At that time, quantum theory was being developed. Planck contributed to this. In his search for the theory of relativity, Einstein discovered the speed of light. According to him, no object in the universe can run faster than light. At the age of 26, Einstein published a paper on the theory of relativity. The current famous formula (E = MC²) belongs to the same principle. From this formula he proved that in principle the body can be transformed into power. His proposition of relativity gained worldwide acclaim and he became world famous.

At first, many scientists ignored Einstein's theory. But Max Planck was the man who recognized his work. After the two met, he finally came into the spotlight. After publishing his dissertation in the journal Annalen der Physics, he caused a stir around the world. Many scientists around the world read his paper and began to appreciate it.

A year later, in 1906, he published another paper on quantum mechanics. That also caused a stir in the scientific world. Then Einstein's dream of becoming a professor of physics came true. In 1909, he was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich. Later, in 1911, he went to teach at the University of Prague in Czechoslovakia. In Prague, he proposed the theory that light can be seen during a solar eclipse. In 1912 he returned to Zurich. In 1914 he became a professor at the Academy of Sciences in Berlin. There he found the supportive environment of many scientists, including the president of the academy and the famous scientist Max Planck.

Einstein continued his scientific research throughout his life. These representations made him the father of modern science. Towards the end of his life, he was also researching the Unified Field theory. Unfortunately, this discovery was not completed and he died tragically.

Defining insanity, Albert Einstein says: It is insanity to do the same thing over and over again but expect different results. So it is innovation, discovery, different efforts and change that move us forward. There are similarities between his expression and Karl Marx's approach to change. Karl Marx attributed the main reasons for the change to the inequality of society and the class struggle created on the basis of unequal ownership of resources. His philosophy is that the struggle against discrimination, superstition, inequality and tyranny is the basis of building an egalitarian and prosperous society.

Philosophical side

Einstein's philosophical views on socialism are similar to those of Karl Marx. In 1949, Einstein wrote an essay in the Monthly Review (Socialist Journal Monthly Review) expressing his views on socialism. His first argument about socialism was towards socialism and ethics. He considered it the destination of human society. The purpose of science is not to inculcate sociality and morality in man, but science does provide the means to achieve those specific objectives. Science is not achievable but a means. So there seems to be a closeness between these philosophies.

In this philosophical article, Albert Einstein expressed three basic objections to capitalism:

1. Man is also a free social being. So he is lonely as well as social.

2. In a capitalist society there is economic chaos. It is purely for profit. There is unhealthy competition.

3. Capitalist society is an unequal society.

Einstein said that the only way to eradicate the big ghost of inequality as a solution is to establish a socialist economy with a targeted education system to achieve social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society and used in a planned manner. In such a planned economy where production is done according to the needs of the community, the work is divided among those who are able to work and the livelihood of children and men and women is guaranteed. So Einstein says that socialism is the way to end inequality and achieve humanity, morality and sociality.

Another link between Karl Marx and Einstein is the beliefs of scientist Stephen Hawkins. Their idea is socialist. Stephen Hawkins, who made great strides in quantum physics and Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, is not only famous for his black hole theory. His A Brief History of Time presents an ocean of cosmic knowledge to human society. In Stephen Hawkins' latest work, Brief Answers to the Wig Questions, he says that the future of human society and the cosmic body can be predicted on the basis of the natural laws of science. If Einstein's interpretation of socialism is to be interpreted in a systematic way by Karl Marx's description of social evolution on the basis of materialism, then uniformity can be found on the basis of materialism and the ideas of scientists. This is not a social application of natural science. The present conclusion of human evolution is based on natural and biological laws. Socialism is not the future.

Nobel Prize

Einstein received the world-famous Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. He did not receive the award for his astonishing theory of relativity. Instead, the award was given to him for another great discovery, the law of photoelectric effects. Einstein, with a simple and generous heart, donated the prize money to his divorced wife. That amount was २ 32,250 at the time, or 1,21,592 Swiss kronor.

Passed away

Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey, USA on April 18, 1955, unable to complete his next theoretical work while continuing in the field of science. Earlier, in 1936, his wife Elisa had also died. The brain of the world's greatest scientist, Albert Einstein, was preserved for 30 years after his death. A neurosurgeon who studied his brain after his death found that he had 73 percent more glial cells in his brain than a normal human.

Thus the personality of the world-famous great scientist Einstein was very high. No other scientist has ever been able to climb such a high mountain. Among the scientists, he was a saint-sage and a staunch pacifist. He also became a democrat and advocated for radical change. We, the people of the world, can learn a lot from the great scientist, pacifist, democrat and socialist Albert Einstein, who never gave up. In the end, the great scientist Einstein will remain immortal in the human world forever.

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