12 rashi, nakshatra and rashi swami

Rashi is the main game in astrology. Each animal's activity is described based on its name. It is very important to have knowledge of Hoda Chakra to get information about which zodiac sign comes from which name. To get information about the zodiac sign, you should study the following things.

Aries: Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika Nakshatra in Aries (Chu Che Cho La Li Lu Le Lo A) All the people, animals and places whose names are pronounced with these nine letters belong to the same Aries. The lord of Aries is Mars (Bhauma).

Taurus: The remaining three letters of Krittika in Taurus, Rohini, two legs of Mrigashira (E U A and Ba Bi Bu Be Bo) all the people, animals and places whose names are pronounced belong to the same Taurus. Venus is the lord of Taurus.

Mithuna: In Gemini, the remaining two letters of Mrigashira Adra, three letters of Punarvasu (ka ki ku gh ng chh ke ko ha) all these nine pronounced people, animals and places belong to the same Gemini. Mercury is the lord of Gemini.

Cancer: The rest of Punarvasu in Cancer Rashi, Ashlesha All (Hee Hu He Ho Da Di Du De Do) All the people, animals and places that pronounce the names of these nine belong to the same Cancer Rashi. Moon is the lord of Cancer.

Leo: All the people, animals and places that are pronounced with the nine names of Magha, Purvaphalguni, and Uttaraphalguni (ma mi mu me mo ta ti tu te) belong to the same Leo. Lord of Leo sign is the Sun planet.

Virgo: The remaining three letters of Uttaraphalguni in Virgo, the two letters of Chitra Nakshatra (top pi pu shan th pe po) the names of these nine people, animals and places all belong to the same Virgo zodiac sign. Mercury is the lord of Virgo.

Libra: The remaining two letter of Chitra Nakshatra, Swati, three letter of Visakha (Ra Ri Ru Re Ro Ta Ti Tu Te) in the Libra zodiac, the people, animals and places whose names are pronounced belong to the same Libra. Venus is the lord of Libra.

Vrischik: In Vrischik Rashi, one letter of Bishakha is Anuradha, Jyeshtha (to na ni nu ne no ya ya yu). Mars is the lord of Scorpio.

Dhanu: In Dhanu Rashi, Moola, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha one letter (ye yo bha bhi bhu dha fa dha bhe) all the people, animals and places that pronounce these nine names belong to the same Dhan Rashi. Jupiter is the lord of Sagittarius.

Capricorn: In Capricorn, the remaining three letters of Uttarashadha are Shravan, two letters of Dhanishtha (Bho ja ji khi khu khe kho ga gi). Saturn is the lord of Capricorn.

Kumbha: The remaining two letters of Dhanishtha Nakshatra in Aquarius, Shatbhisha, three letters of Purvabhadra (gu ge go sa si su se so da) all the people, animals and places whose names are pronounced belong to the same Aquarius. Saturn is also the lord of Aquarius.

Pisces: The remaining one of letter Purvabhadra Nakshatra in Pisces is Uttarabhadrapada and Revati (di du th j j de do cha chi). All the people, animals and places whose names are pronounced belong to one Pisces. Jupiter is the lord of Pisces.

The above 27 Nakshatras are the consorts of the Moon. When calculating the lunar month, there are only 29 days and 12 hours in a month. Similarly, there is a year of 354 days.

A lunar month is added after the lapse of two years and six months to adjust the timing of the days that fall between the solar year and the lunar year. The added month is called Malamas or Purushottam month. There are no festivals in this extended month.

As the sun moves gradually in the 12 zodiac signs, the transition of the sun from one zodiac sign to another is called transition and the same day is also called the solstice. Baisakh Sankranti or New Year's Day is considered when the Sun moves into Aries.

Similarly, June solstice when the sun moves into Taurus, Asar solstice when the sun moves into Gemini, Sun solstice when the sun moves into Cancer, Bhadra solstice when the sun moves into Leo, Asauja solstice when the sun moves into Virgo, Kartika solstice when the sun moves into Libra, Mansir solkranti when the sun moves into Scorpio, Paushe solstice when the sun moves into Capricorn, Sun in Capricorn It is considered Maghe Sankranti when the sun moves into Aquarius, Phalgun Sankranti when the sun moves into Pisces, and Chaite Sankranti when the sun moves into Pisces.

As the annual festivals celebrated under Sanatan Dharma are celebrated according to Chandramas (date), each festival falls on a different day of each year.

Apart from the Sankranti festival, there are no festivals like birthdays in the solar month. After learning from Western countries, the tradition of celebrating birthdays and other days has come to be celebrated on the day of the solar month. This type of practice should be considered as a positive improvement in Hindu culture.
Also see this in Nepali

१२ राशी, नक्षत्र र राशी स्वामी

  1. मेषः चु चे चो ला लि लु ले लो अ (अश्विनी, भरणी र कृतिका नक्षत्रको एकपाउ) राशि स्वामी: मंगल (भौम)
  2. वृषः इ उ ए व बा बि बु बे बो (कृतिकाको बाँकी तीन पाउ, रोहिणी, मृगशिराको दुई पाउ) राशि स्वामी: शुक्र
  3. मिथुनः का कि कु घ ङ छ के को हा (मृगशिराको दुई पाउ, आर्द्रा, पुनर्वसुको तीन पाउ) राशी स्वामी: बुध
  4. कर्कटः ही हु हे हो डा डि डु डे डो (पुनर्वसुको बाँकी एक पाउ तिष्य, अश्लेषा सबै) राशी स्वामीः चन्द्रमा
  5. सिंहः मा मि मु मे मो टा टि टु टे (मघा, पुर्वाफाल्गुनी, उत्तराफाल्गुनीको एक पाउ) राशी स्वामीः सुर्य
  6. कन्याः टो पा पि पु ष ण ठ पे पो (उत्तराफाल्गुनीको तीन पाउ हस्ता, चित्रा नक्षत्रको दुई पाउ) राशि स्वामीः बुध
  7. तुलाः रा रि रु रे रो ता ति तु ते (चित्रा नक्षत्रका बाँकि दुई पाउ स्वाती, विशाखाको तीन पाउ) राशि स्वामीः शुक्र
  8. वृश्चिकः तो ना नि नु ने नो या यी यु (बिशाखाको एक पाउ, अनुराधा, ज्येष्ठा) राशि स्वामीः मंगल (भौम) ग्रह
  9. धनुः ये यो भा भि भु धा फा ढा भे (मूल, पुर्वाषाढा, उत्तरषाढाको एक पाउ) राशि स्वामीः बृहस्पति
  10. मकरः भो जा जि खि खु खे खो गा गि (उत्तराषाढाको तीन पाउ श्रवण, धनिष्ठाको दुई पाउ) राशि स्वामीः शनिश्चर
  11. कुम्भः गु गे गो सा सि सु से सो द (धनिष्ठा नक्षत्रका दुई पाउ, शतभिशा, पुर्वाभाद्रका तीन पाउ) राशि स्वामीः शनि
  12. मीनः दि दु थ झ ञ दे दो चा चि (पूर्वाभाद्र नक्षत्रको एक पाउ उत्तराभाद्रपदा र रेवती) राशि स्वामीः बृहष्पति

२७ नक्षत्र र पाउँ

  1. अश्विनीः चु चे चो ला 
  2. भरणीः लि लु ले लो 
  3. कृतिकाः अ इ उ ए  
  4. रोहिणीः व बा बि बु
  5. मृगशिराः बे बो का कि
  6. आर्द्राः कु घ ङ छ 
  7. पुनर्वसुः के को हा ही
  8. तिष्यः  हु हे हो डा 
  9. अश्लेषाः डि डु डे डो
  10. मघाः  मा मि मु मे 
  11. पुर्वाफाल्गुनीः मो टा टि टु 
  12. उत्तराफाल्गुनीः टे टो पा पि 
  13. हस्ताः पु ष ण ठ 
  14. चित्राः पे पो रा रि 
  15. स्वातीः रु रे रो ता
  16. विशाखाः ति तु ते तो
  17. अनुराधाः ना नि नु ने 
  18. ज्येष्ठाः नो या यी यु
  19. मूलः ये यो भा भि 
  20. पुर्वाषाढाः भु धा फा ढा 
  21. उत्तरषाढाः भे भो जा जि 
  22. श्रवणः खि खु खे खो 
  23. धनिष्ठाः गा गि गु गे 
  24. शतभिशाः गो सा सि सु 
  25. पुर्वाभाद्रपदाः से सो द दि 
  26. उत्तराभाद्रपदाः दु थ झ ञ 
  27. रेवतीः दे दो चा चि
राशी, नक्षत्र र पाउँ

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